Sit n' Spin

Friend helping friend Spooner Trick Sit n spin

Sit n' Spin is a beginner fox for Spooner residuum boards. Information technology is normally the commencement thing well-nigh people do when getting on a Spooner Board. Continue reading "Sit northward' Spin"

Low Spin

Spooner trick high to low spin

The Low Spin is the easiest trick to acquire how to spin on a Spooner Rest Board. This play tricks is a stepping stone to the incredible "Low-to-Loftier Spin" and can get you spinning equally soon as possible. Anyone tin can exercise it! So, permit'southward become started!

Spooner trick high to low spin

Step 1: Safety Outset

Look around you, are at that place any objects that might get information technology your way? If there are, move them out of the style and creating a articulate space for some serious spinning!

Step 2: Are You Goofy or Regular?

To practice this trick, you'll need to place your two feet the rest board, but which foot goes in forepart?

Goofy or Regular

You'll have to find out if you are Goofy Footed or Regular Footed. To figure that out:

  1. Stand on the ground with your two feet together and shut your eyes.
  2. Accept a friend or family member gently push you lot forward.
  3. After they button you, y'all will naturally step forward to take hold of your rest.
  4. Take annotation of the pes y'all stepped frontwards with.
Was it your Left pes or Right?
  • Left foot forward ways you are "Goofy" Footed!
  • Correct foot forward mean you are Regular!
(Think this when you Spoon', surf, skate and snowboard!)

Pace three: Go on the Spooner Residue Lath

At present that you know if you are Goofy (left foot frontward) or Regular (correct pes forward), place your feet on the board.

Step iv: Crouch Downward Low and Starting time Spinning

Hunker down depression by bending your knees and getting equally low every bit possible. Put your easily on the ground and use them to push yourself into a spin and enjoy the fun!

Step v (Optional): Turn It Into A "Depression To High Spin"

Once you feel comfy spinning depression and crouched, and so, while spinning, stand up up direct turning the trick into a "Low To High Spin".

"Low Spin" Trick Stats

  • Skill: Beginner, Intermediate (If Footstep 5 included)
  • Fun: High
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

All-time Spooner Balance Boards for the "Low Spin" Spooner Play a trick on

Shuv-Information technology

Spooner Trick Shove it

The archetype "Shuv It" pull a fast one on is a famous skateboard motion where the board spins under your feet. Pause this trick out at the stop of a Spooner Sequence for an amazing Yard Finale!

Spooner Trick Shove it

Footstep 1: Notice Your Stance

Identify your two anxiety on either side of the Balance Board.

Step 2: Jump and Kick

As you lot are jumping up off the board, boot your forepart pes forward while kicking your dorsum pes dorsum. The lath will spin under your feet every bit you are in the air.

Pace 3: Country The Trick

As you come back downward from the jump, continue your eyes on the Spooner Board and aim for you feet to land on either side of the Spooner again.

"Shuv It" Fox Stats

  • Skill: Intermediate
  • Fun: Loftier
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

Best Spooner Balance Boards for the "Shuv It" Spooner Trick


Spooner Trick Flipper

Step 1: Turn the Spooner Upside-Down

Start with The Spooner upside downwards on your toes.

Step ii: Jump and Flip

Jump upward into the air pushing the board up with you.

Stride 3: Country

Flip the lath over to land on elevation!

Congratulations! Yous nailed the FLIPPER

"Flipper" Play a trick on Stats

  • Skill: Beginner
  • Fun: High
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

Best Spooner Residuum Boards for the "Flipper" Spooner Play a joke on

The CaveMan

Spooner Trick, Caveman into the pool

Step 1: Safety First

Check your surroundings. Is everything clear and out of the way?
If so, get alee and get started.

Step 2: Run and Jump

Run and spring with Spooner Board in manus.

Step 3: Put the Board Under Your Feet

Try and become the board under your anxiety whilst in the air for a radical air shot!

"The CaveMan" Fob Stats

  • Skill: Intermediate
  • Fun: Loftier
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

Best Spooner Balance Boards for the "The CaveMan" Spooner Trick

Star Gazer

Spooner Trick Star Gazer

Check out the stars while spinning on your back! But lay on The Spooner and have a friend give you lot a spin.

Stride 1: Safety Offset

It is recommended that you make sure you are in a infinite that is articulate of anything that you may striking in one case you commencement spinning. It there is annihilation y'all might striking move it or move yourself to a clear area.

Step 2: Lay Down

Lay down on your Spooner Residual Board, tuck your chin to your breast and hug your knees!

Footstep 3: Have a Friend Spin You lot

Have a friend begin to spin y'all. Accept the friend start slow and so you can secure your balance, and then equally you both experience comfortable, you tin spin faster and faster.

Pace four: Release

Once you lot accept come up to a spin speed you lot are comfortable with have your friend let go and run into how long y'all can keep spinning!

Step 5: Look Upwardly At The Stars

Look up at the stars as you spin 'round and 'round!

"Star Gazer" Play a joke on Stats

  • Skill: Beginner
  • Fun: High
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

Best Spooner Balance Boards for the "Star Gazer" Spooner Play a trick on


Spooner Trick Superman

Stride 1: Safety First

It is recommended that y'all make sure you are in a space that is articulate of annihilation that you may hitting one time yous start spinning. Information technology there is anything y'all might striking move information technology or move yourself to a clear area.

Step ii: Get into Position

Lay downwardly on your stomach with the board underneath you.

Step iii: Get-go Spinning!

Employ your hands to press against the floor and start a super spin!

Pace 4: Permit go

Once you lot've built up speed with your hands you can permit go and spin like Superman!

"Superman" Pull a fast one on Stats

  • Skill: Beginner
  • Fun: High
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

Best Spooner Residuum Boards for the "Superman" Spooner Trick

Finger Flip

Spooner trick Finger Flip

Utilize i hand to flip the lath under your feet while jumping into the air, let the board do a full rotation before landing.

Step one: Grab the Board

Equally you prepare to leap up, use one hand to grab the nose (the rounded side) of the board.

Step 2: Flip the Lath

As you jump up, flip the lath underneath your feet.

Step 3: Land

One time the board flips all the way around, aim to state your two anxiety back on the board.

"Finger Flip" Trick Stats

  • Skill: Advanced
  • Fun: High
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

All-time Spooner Balance Boards for the "Finger Flip" Spooner Play a trick on

Spooner Slide

Kid boarding a Spooner in the snow

Step i: Find a Hill!

Observe a snow, dirt, grass hill or asphalt loma and utilise The Spooner as a sled.

Step 2: Sit down on the Lath

Sit on your Spooner like a sled. Hold on to the sides of The Spooner or the nose of the board.

Stride 3: Fix for Take Off!

Either have an adult push yous for a head start or utilize your feet to boot off.

Step 4: Stop

Put your anxiety down on either side of the Spooner for a shine stop to your ride.

Step 5: Some Dare to Stand

If you're feeling confident try standing on your Spooner as y'all slide down a hill. Squat real depression to notice balance!

"Spooner Slide" Trick Stats

  • Skill: Advanced
  • Fun: High
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

All-time Spooner Residuum Boards for the "Spooner Slide" Spooner Flim-flam

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Freestyle Dance

Spooner dance

Step one: Stand on the Lath

It is recommended that you lot make certain you are in a space that is clear of anything that you lot may hit once you lot first spinning. If at that place is annihilation you might hit, make sure to move information technology or move yourself to a prophylactic clear surface area. Once you are in a clear space, stand on the board.

Step 2: Lean towards the Front end

Next step is to lean on the front of the board so that the dorsum of the board is in the air.

Step 3: Lean towards the Back

So lean on the dorsum of the lath then that the front end of the board is in the air.

Pace 4: Spin!

While yous are leaning on the back of the lath, twist and spin in a circumvolve.

Stride three: Echo, Mix it upwards and Connect

Now connect all your moves, mix them up and you are Freestyle Dancing. The Spooner is all about creativity and movement! How tin can you connect your favorite moves? Spin, Twist, Rock and Roll!

"Freestyle Dance" Trick Stats

  • Skill: Advanced
  • Fun: Loftier
  • Products: Freestyle, Pro

Best Spooner Balance Boards for the "Freestyle Trip the light fantastic" Spooner Trick

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